Fleet Safety

How to Keep Fleet Drivers Safe in the Summer

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How to Keep Fleet Drivers Safe in the Summer

We’ve talked before on this blog about protecting your fleet drivers during the winter months. In the winter, the dangers are apparent. With snow or sleet coming down, it’s easy to see how accidents can happen, or drivers can get stranded. Although the summer months look nice, they can be just as dangerous.

Of course, fleet driver safety is a top priority for your business, so we’re here to provide these driver safety tips. We’ll help you mitigate summer driving hazards so you know your drivers are safe on the road in the next few months.

What Challenges Do Fleets Face in the Summer?

Let’s explore three fleet management challenges that are particularly prevalent in the hot summer months.

  • Blown Tires: We know that tire pressure fluctuates with the weather. When the temperature gets higher, the air inside your tires expands. A higher temperature increases your tire pressure. Then, in the evening, your tires deflate again. These changes can cause your tires to go flat or blow out on the road. Your drivers should check their tire pressure every day before going out on the road.
  • Unpleasant Smells: Drivers spend a lot of time inside their vehicles. This often includes eating and drinking in the cab. If you’ve ever left food in your car on a hot summer day, you know what this might mean. The fumes from unattended food or garbage can become overwhelming after being left in the summer heat. Drivers should ensure their vehicles are clean before and after every trip.
  • Driver Health Risks: Hot summer weather poses an immense risk to drivers. There are 1,300 deaths per year in America alone due to extreme heat. Being out in hot weather puts excessive stress on the body and can increase the chances of dying from a heart attack or other heart conditions. It can also worsen respiratory problems. Fleet driver health and safety should always be your top priority, and you should keep a close watch during the summer.

Summer Safety Tips for Fleets

  • Have drivers follow HOS restrictions. This rule is critical for your fleet’s compliance standards and keeps your drivers safe. Hours of Service restrictions exist to ensure your drivers get enough rest to be safe behind the wheel. With telematics, you can monitor when your drivers start and stop their vehicles and ensure they follow HOS restrictions.
  • Encourage drivers to make pit stops as needed. To avoid spills and unpleasant smells, your drivers should be encouraged to eat and drink outside of the vehicle when possible. Drivers often don’t stop because they want to keep a tight schedule. This is not only unhealthy, but it can also cause a distraction on the road. Ensure your drivers are encouraged and supported to take pit stops when needed.
  • Allow drivers to set a comfortable cabin temperature. Think of how hot a vehicle can get. Drivers spend all day in their vehicles, which can become unbearable if they aren’t allowed to set a comfortable temperature. Even though a cooler temperature may cost some fuel efficiency, it is worth it for the health and safety of your drivers.
  • Monitor weather forecasts. Remember that hurricane season begins in June. Extreme weather can occur during summer, just like any other season. Check the weather reports and change routes as necessary to ensure your drivers’ safety.

Keep Drivers Safe with Azuga

At Azuga, we aim to help you keep your fleet drivers safe. Our robust telematics system enables you to track driver behavior and supports your fleet safety plan. You can easily set safety standards and enforce them hands-free with Azuga’s automatic alerts. Our maintenance alerts also help you keep your vehicles in top shape, so you never have to worry about tire blowouts or other vehicle issues that might come up in the summer. Try a demo of our software today and see how we can help you prepare for the summer months ahead.

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