GPS Fleet Tracking

How to Create a Sustainable Fleet

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If you’re working in the fleet industry, you’ve likely heard a lot about the environmental impact of trucks. As concerns about our climate continue to climb, many businesses prioritize sustainable fleet management. There are a lot of positive factors in sustainable fleets, both for your business and the environment. This page is your guide to fleet sustainability – let’s discuss the benefits of a sustainable fleet and how you can increase your business's sustainability. 

Why is Fleet Sustainability Important?

NASA reports that CO2 emissions have increased by over 50% since the start of the industrial revolution. This development has put an immense strain on our environment in ways that we are beginning to see in our daily lives. Reducing CO2 emissions just for the sake of improving our environment is a worthy cause.

Unfortunately, many fleet businesses put sustainability on the back burner. They rarely believe that a focus on environmental impact will be profitable. However, the opposite is true. Of course, improving the environment is an immense motivator, but there are more direct benefits to fleet sustainability as well. Let’s discuss three significant benefits:

  • Reducing Costs: Sustainability mainly involves reducing your fleet’s fuel use. You may already see how this is beneficial. Indeed, fuel is a fleet’s most significant cost. If you can reduce your fleet’s fuel use, you not only help the environment, but you help your bottom line as well. 
  • Increasing Efficiency: How do we reduce fuel? The best way is by optimizing your routes to get you where you need to go more efficiently. This change means your fleets spend less time on each job. You can do more jobs per day in the same amount of time! 
  • Improving Reputation: The eco-conscious customer is often wary of fleet businesses because they rely heavily on driving, creating CO2 emissions. By showing that you are making efforts to improve your carbon footprint, you can gain your customers’ trust. 

How to Create a Sustainable Fleet

Now that you see the importance of fleet sustainability, let’s learn how to get there. We have broken the process down into six steps. 

No. 1: Establish Your Baseline.

Before you can make any improvements, you have to know where you stand in the first place. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What are your current fleet policies?
  • How are you monitoring your fleet’s adherence to these policies?
  • What measures are you currently taking to reduce your mileage?
  • How do you promote fuel efficiency?
  • What are your efforts toward using efficient vehicles and fuel options?

No. 2: Establish Your Business’s Priorities. 

Now is the time to investigate your fleet’s needs so you can set priorities. Some of these needs might include: 

  • Scheduling of vehicle dispatch
  • Route optimization
  • Practical driver training and performance
  • Reporting features for carbon emissions
  • Metrics for reaching sustainability and efficiency goals

Consider everything that your fleet needs to operate and the goals you have for your business. Keep this in mind for the next steps. 

No. 3: Identify Where You Can Improve.

At this stage, we will start setting goals. Here are some examples of general objectives that you can assign specific metrics:  

  • Setting targets for driver training
  • Ensure the proper utilization of your assets
  • Introducing efficient vehicles and technologies
  • Update policies to emphasize sustainability

No. 4: Obtain Support for Your Plan

Everyone must be on board if you want to make sustainability a top priority. When making the case to your shareholders, stakeholders, and partners, discuss the following KPIs.

  • Increase fleet safety and efficiency
  • Reduce fuel spend, usage, and emissions
  • Reduce reliance on fossil fuels
  • Improve the fleet’s reputation in the community
  • Boosting financial and environmental reporting procedures to track CO2 emissions

No. 5: Implement Your Plan

You can implement your plan at many points in the fleet operations process. Fleet management software like Azuga’s has your back here. Let’s look at some ways fleet technology can help you accomplish your sustainability goals. 

  • Driver Scores: Driver scores quantify your drivers’ performance, so you can easily track who might need to improve.
  • Tracking Driver Events: This feature can pick up events like harsh braking or speeding that hurt your efficiency.
  • Increased Visibility: You can always see where your drivers are and note whether they follow your route plans. 

No. 6: Monitor Your Progress

Of course, you can’t just put a policy in place and end the process there. You must track its effectiveness over time. Conduct regular reviews of your policies. Are your drivers successful at following them? If anyone is struggling– ask why. Perhaps the policy is unclear or unreasonable. Are you meeting the goals that you’re tracking? Celebrate where you’re on track, and consider alterations where you fall short. 

Once again, fleet management software is your friend here. You can easily track your metrics and determine where more work is needed. 

Azuga Can Help You Achieve Your Sustainability Goals!

Our fleet management software helps you track your fleet’s performance at every step of the way. When creating your policies, back them up with actual fleet data Azuga gathers for you. This software solution covers all elements of fleet management, from safety to maintenance to finances and more. 

Furthermore, we offer a program that allows you to offset your fleet business’s emissions. Learn more about that program here

Whatever your questions, our experts are here to help. Schedule a demo today so we can start working together!