Fleet Management

10 Fleet Driver Hiring and Retention Tips

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As the fleet driver shortage continues, fleet managers have two primary goals in mind: hiring new fleet drivers and retaining the ones they have. However, both tasks are a significant challenge these days. There simply aren’t enough drivers to go around, and drivers don’t often stay in one place for long. That’s why we’ve created this list of tips and tricks to help you hire new drivers and keep the ones you have to avoid feeling the complications from this shortage. 

Four Tips for Recruiting Truck Drivers

It all starts with getting drivers in the door. This has only become harder since many driving schools suspended operations during the pandemic. However, it is still possible if you follow these tips. 

No. 1: Showcase the Benefits of Your Company

Benefits are one of the first things drivers look at when seeking a new job. Many options are available for them now, so you must highlight what makes your company stand out. These are the benefits that weigh highly in drivers’ decisions: 

  • Paid time off
  • Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance
  • Family leave
  • 401k matching
  • Sign-on bonuses
  • Annual or quarterly bonus structures

No. 2: Communicate Regularly and Clearly with Applicants

Communication is critical in the hiring process. You don’t want your applicants frustrated because they don’t know the status of their applications. Frequent communication updates are vital to keeping candidates informed. Let them know when they’ll hear back, how many interviews you’ll hold, and when they should receive your final decision. Keeping applicants in the loop prevents them from feeling frustrated and giving up altogether. 

No. 3: Find Leads with Digital Tools

The internet is a fantastic tool to help you find the leads you need to get started hiring. Look at popular job search sites like LinkedIn or Indeed to help you find applicants nationwide. You can send a message to potential hires with a link to your job posting to increase the number of applicants your posting receives. 

No. 4: Emphasize Company Culture

Drivers are looking for a company where they will feel supported. This means that features like ongoing training programs, mentorships, and even support for further education will go a long way in encouraging drivers to join your team. When you show that the happiness of your drivers is a priority, you’ll have a bigger pool of drivers to choose from. 

6 Tips for Driver Retention

Once you have your best team of drivers, you want to hold onto them. These six tips will help you retain the excellent drivers that you already have. 

No. 1: Offer Competitive Pay

There’s no way around it. Many companies are looking to hire drivers, and you must keep up with the current pay standards to remain competitive. Introducing bonus structures that reward your best drivers will help boost your retention rates.

No. 2: Improve Driver Schedules

Drivers often suffer burnout due to the long hours they spend on the road and the time they spend away from their families. A great way to retain drivers is by rewarding them once they’ve been employed with you for long enough by improving their schedule. Not only does this make your drivers happier, but it can also improve their long-term health and welfare. 

No. 3: Emphasize Mental Health

The trucking industry often lets mental health fall by the wayside, even though the job can be very taxing on the mind. Truck drivers often suffer from depression and anxiety. Two ways to combat this problem are to provide ample vacation time and resources for your drivers to stay happy and healthy on and off the road. 

No. 4: Regularly Train Drivers

Everyone wants opportunities to advance in their career or gather new skills. Take advantage of this by regularly offering ongoing training opportunities. Make sure you have career paths available for those drivers who want to excel in their careers. Drivers who see an upward path are more likely to stick with the company. 

No. 5: Continue to Improve Company Culture

We mentioned company culture in the last section, and it is also essential for retention. Don’t let culture fall by the wayside once you’ve assembled your team. Instead, continue to support your drivers and make them proud to be a part of your company. Ensure your business practices clear communication and emphasizes safety for its drivers — these factors are critical to your employees. 

No. 6: Regularly Maintain Vehicles

One of the biggest frustrations for fleet drivers is operating a vehicle that is constantly breaking down. Ensure you practice preventive maintenance to avoid these issues before they cause breakdowns. And when it’s time to replace a vehicle, don’t delay! This will reduce frustration in your drivers’ day-to-day operations. 

Azuga Can Help You Tackle the Driver Shortage

At Azuga, we aim to help your fleet run as efficiently as possible. That means having the drivers you need to get your work done. Our comprehensive fleet management technology covers all aspects of fleet management, from maintenance to safety and more. This helps you support your drivers from all angles. Discuss your support goals with one of our experts and see how we can help. 

Also, check out our previous articles on the driver shortage and other related topics that can help you improve your fleet culture, training, pay, and maintenance.