Fleet Management

How Azuga Can Boost Your Driver Training Program

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Driver safety is always a top priority for any fleet business. The best way to keep your drivers safe is to consistently train them with the most effective materials available. When selecting materials, it pays to be creative. Azuga’s state-of-the-art technology can boost your training program in ways you may not have considered. Let’s explore some ways you can take advantage of our tools. 

Driver Scores

To begin training on safety, you must first be able to evaluate where your drivers are at. Azuga’s Safety Scores make this possible. This score identifies the level of risk associated with a driver’s behaviors. The score is generated daily – a score of 100 indicates the best driver, and it goes down for any issues. There are braking and acceleration scores, speeding scores, and idling scores. 

You can use these scores in a variety of ways. They are used in our Azuga Rewards program, which gamifies safety by rewarding the best driver in the fleet for their efforts. Fleets can also use them to determine raises or promotions. But most importantly, they help evaluate drivers so you can pinpoint where training is needed the most. 

Azuga Coach

Azuga Coach is an add-on to our fleet management software. It contains an immense selection of safety training lessons provided by Driving Dynamics’ DrivActiv eLearning™. However, it’s not just a pile of assignments that you or your drivers must sift through. 

Azuga Coach is a smart program that uses telematics data to analyze your drivers’ habits. Azuga Coach uses the driver score mentioned above to determine which practices your drivers need training on. It will assign targeted training videos to that driver based on their specific coaching needs.

Some of the topics these lessons cover include: 

  • The One Second Advantage™
  •  Avoiding Collisions While Backing & Parking
  •  Preventing Rear-End Collisions
  •  Avoiding Collisions at Intersections
  •  Avoiding Aggressive Driving
  •  Driving Impaired - Not Worth the Risk
  •  Breakdown Safety
  •  Driving in the Rain
  •  Tire Pressure: The Key to Mileage and Handling

AI SafetyCam

When you think of dashcams, you may not immediately think of them as a training tool. However, with dashcams, you have footage of every situation you could ever want to train your drivers on! Dashcams are excellent tools both for training and for coaching. You can use the footage for generalized training on topics to show a group. For example, you can show drivers how to navigate a problematic intersection on a familiar route.

Or, you can pull footage from a specific incident and show a driver where they may have gone wrong. If a driver had a close call in an intersection, you can review the footage and discuss what they should have done differently. 

Azuga’s AI SafetyCam automatically records and flags dangerous incidents so you can find them easily. 

Get Started with Azuga Today

Azuga’s technology doesn’t only support you in training your drivers. It boosts you up in all aspects of fleet management. Learn more about what you can accomplish by scheduling a demo with one of our experts today. 

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