Fleet Management

A Comprehensive Guide to Tires: Maximizing Fleet Preventive Maintenance

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Fleet failures and breakdowns will always occur. However, there’s a way to get out in front of many of them: fleet preventive maintenance. With proactive maintenance, fleets can perform better with less downtime and repair costs. 

Preventive maintenance schedules can include activities like oil changes and fluid leak detection. Fleet tire maintenance is one of the biggest drivers for efficiency and cost savings.

Why Fleet Preventive Maintenance Is Essential

Unscheduled vehicle downtime is a burden in fleet management. The loss of a single truck can disrupt an entire chain of logistics operations. It also puts strain on other vehicles and their operators to compensate for this loss. At the same time, fleet managers can overextend their budget to get broken-down vehicles back up and running. As labor rates and part prices continue to rise, the financial strain of these repairs only continues to increase.

Fleet preventive maintenance identifies minor issues before they evolve into major problems. This supports smoother logistics and fewer unexpected costs. A preventative maintenance plan also allows you to feel more confident in the safety of your vehicles and the operators behind the wheel.

What Is Tire Maintenance & Why Is It Beneficial?

Fleet tire maintenance refers to the systematic care and upkeep of a fleet vehicle’s tires. Its goal is to keep fleet vehicles operating safely and efficiently on the road while controlling operational costs.

When tires are well-maintained, they support consistent and efficient vehicle performance. This reduces wear and the potential for failure. Fleet tire maintenance also allows for early detection of tire issues. It helps prevent costly repairs and accidents that put your fleet operators and other drivers at risk.

3 Steps to Effective Fleet Tire Maintenance

Wondering how to incorporate tire maintenance into your fleet management strategy? Here are three steps you can focus on to keep your fleet’s tires performing at their best.

1. Regular Inspections

Scheduling routine checks for fleet tires can provide a lot of peace of mind on the road. For instance, a tire pressure check can verify that a vehicle’s tires are properly inflated. Properly inflated tires allow for a smoother and more fuel-efficient ride. Meanwhile, visual inspections of the tires can unveil any irregular tire wear or damage to address.

2. Regular Tire Rotations

If tires aren’t rotated, certain tires of a fleet vehicle can wear out faster than others. What's more, the handling of the vehicle can become unreliable. By making tire rotation part of your fleet tire maintenance plan, you can even out the load on each tire. Fleet operators can maintain consistent traction and reduce the risk of tire failures. 

3. Balancing & Alignment Checks

Fleet vehicles tend to operate at high speeds. Any degree of unstable handling can make it difficult for operators to maintain control of the vehicle. An even distribution between the weight of a tire and the wheel assembly gives operators improved steering control. Meanwhile, proper wheel alignment reduces drifting and veering.

How to Implement Preventive Maintenance Into Your Fleet Management

The first step is to build out a maintenance schedule. Look at manufacturer recommendations and vehicle use patterns. From there, you can outline when to perform routine inspections and other maintenance measures.

Mapping out a preventive maintenance schedule doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) a painful, paper-driven process. Fleet maintenance software can automatically notify you when vehicles are due for a service, inspection, or check. You can also access maintenance records for each vehicle as part of your fleet management. This provides insights not only into the health of the vehicle but also costs spent on labor and parts.

Make Tire Maintenance Part of Your Preventive Maintenance Plan

Consider tire maintenance's impact on vehicle safety, performance, and costs. It only makes sense that it’s a cornerstone of fleet preventive maintenance. Azuga’s scheduled maintenance software makes it easy for you to manage the maintenance of your fleet. This includes tire maintenance. Learn more about how we help keep your fleet running smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is fleet preventive maintenance?

Fleet preventive maintenance is a proactive approach to the care and upkeep of fleet vehicles. Routine inspections and services are scheduled in advance based on vehicle manufacturer recommendations and vehicle use patterns. The result is better vehicle performance and safety.

Why is tire maintenance crucial in fleet management?

Tires are an integral part of what keeps fleet vehicles safe and operating efficiently. Tires need regular maintenance because they are subject to continuous wear and exposed to the elements.

How to perform effective fleet tire maintenance?

Effective fleet tire maintenance is a product of a comprehensive schedule that prioritizes preventive maintenance. Using fleet maintenance software helps simplify these efforts.