Fleet Management

7 Common Mistakes in Fleet Maintenance

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Fleet maintenance oversights don't have to be a reality in the industry. From the scale of fleets to their diverse maintenance needs, fleet managers have a lot on their plate. And, sometimes, things can fall through the cracks. But with a solid fleet management software package, fleets can stay ahead of everyday maintenance tasks.

Understanding Fleet Maintenance

Fleet maintenance aims to keep vehicles safe, reliable, and in optimal condition. How? Through systematic and proactive upkeep. Fleet maintenance minimizes unexpected breakdowns, controls costs, and reduces accidents on the road.

Fleet maintenance includes scheduled preventive maintenance, routine vehicle inspections, and regular tire checks. It also includes responses to emergency repairs to reduce service disruptions.

Common Fleet Maintenance Oversights

When it comes to fleet maintenance pitfalls, here are seven common ones:

  1. Failing to adhere to preventive maintenance schedules. Skipping oil changes and filter replacements increases wear and tear.
  2. Less-than-thorough vehicle inspections. Neglecting key vehicle inspection steps raises safety concerns and can lead to breakdowns.
  3. Failure to address driver feedback. If a driver’s report of a vehicle issue isn’t addressed, it can delay repairs and tack on more costs.
  4. Inadequate record keeping of vehicle maintenance. Uncertainties in maintenance history make it difficult to prepare for the future.
  5. Underestimating tire maintenance. Overlooking factors like tire pressure can affect fuel efficiency and safety.
  6. Inadequate inspections. Not paying enough attention to all components can hinder a vehicle’s safety and lead to issues.
  7. Lack of regular cleaning and washing. Dirt and debris can contribute to corrosion that weakens a vehicle’s structure.

Consequences of Fleet Maintenance Oversights

While we’ve alluded to some of the outcomes of fleet maintenance oversights, let’s dive deeper into how significant their impact can be.

When tires, brakes, and other critical components of a fleet vehicle wear out faster, it affects performance. Decreased fuel efficiency raises costs for fleet operators. That’s big, considering fuel makes up 40% of a commercial fleet’s total operating budget. Meanwhile, compromised handling makes it more difficult for drivers to control vehicles. This increases the likelihood of accidents.

If vehicle maintenance isn’t promptly addressed, it becomes a costlier venture for fleet operators. On one hand, vehicles with wear and tear are more prone to breakdowns that disrupt productivity. At the same time, they often need more frequent part replacements to keep the vehicle functioning.

It’s also worth noting what fleet maintenance oversights can mean for driver morale. Vehicle breakdowns and safety concerns add stress to the job. Moreover, dealing with poorly maintained vehicles can hurt a driver’s satisfaction. Drivers will likely feel less motivated, and frustrations could lead to higher turnover. To put this in perspective, the turnover of one driver can cost anywhere between $6,000 and $12,000.

Avoiding Fleet Upkeep Errors

Fleet maintenance oversights are a reality, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to avoid them. Here are four strategies to prevent fleet upkeep errors:

  1. Establish a preventive maintenance program. Map out a schedule for service and inspections. That way, you can address issues with vital vehicle components before they escalate.
  2. Maintain detailed maintenance records. Have a detailed record of maintenance activities performed on every fleet vehicle. This practice ensures that every asset gets the attention it needs.
  3. Encourage drivers to provide feedback. Establish a work environment that encourages drivers to share feedback on the condition of vehicles. That way, they can report issues early on.
  4. Leverage fleet maintenance software. Streamline maintenance operations with technology. Fleet maintenance software makes it easier to track vehicle health and potential problems.

Don’t Let Fleet Maintenance Oversights Weigh You Down

Fleet maintenance oversights can have a significant impact from a performance, cost, and safety standpoint. But with the right strategies, fleet operators can overcome these hurdles.

As an end-to-end fleet management solution, Azuga simplifies maintenance. Think of it as a replacement for cumbersome, paper-driven processes. Our solution lets you proactively schedule maintenance while never missing a beat. The result is a safer, more fuel-efficient, and more reliable fleet. That also means happier drivers.

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