Fleet Management

How to Combat Driver Fatigue

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Drivers spend so many hours on the road; there’s no question that fatigue often comes up as an issue in this profession. Even though the ELD mandate has been implemented to ensure drivers have proper breaks and limit this problem as much as possible, no standard regulation can eliminate the problem. However, you can take action within your fleet to address the issue more personally. Let’s explore three tips for reducing fatigue and its disastrous results. 

3 Tips to Reduce Driver Fatigue

No. 1: Implement Driver Fatigue Policies

As with any issue you wish to regulate, you must have policies in place. Your drivers must know that fatigued driving is not acceptable. Have your employees pledge to always get adequate sleep before coming to work. Emphasize the dangers of fatigued driving and the importance of proper rest before getting behind the wheel. 

Make sure your drivers have support if they are fatigued. There must be an action plan if they feel too tired to drive. For example, they should know to call dispatch if they are out on the road and begin to feel signs of fatigue. Occasional episodes of fatigue behind the wheel should never be reprimanded. 

No. 2: Educate Drivers About Driver Fatigue

Of course, it makes logical sense that being sleepy behind the wheel is dangerous. But your drivers may need to be made aware of exactly how risky it is. Did you know that drowsy driving is considered equally dangerous to drunk driving? Twenty hours of sleep deprivation has the same effect on your reaction time, multi-tasking, vigilance, and hand-eye coordination as having a blood alcohol content of 0.08%— the current legal limit. This information is critical for drivers to know. 

Make sure your drivers know the signs of sleep disorders. They should also know what medications could cause drowsiness. Let them know what signs to look out for to be concerned about their sleep. 

No. 3: Optimize Scheduling

Trucking is a challenging industry because your employees may not have regular hours. This unpredictability can make it difficult to enjoy a steady, healthy sleep schedule. It is not only necessary that people get enough hours of sleep but that they sleep around the same time every night. Therefore, avoid changing your drivers’ schedules if possible. Try to keep your night and day shifts consistent with the same people working each. 

Keep Your Fleet Safe with Azuga

At Azuga, your fleet’s safety is our priority– just like it is yours! Our comprehensive fleet management solution offers everything you need to keep your fleet safe. We’ll help you schedule drivers for consistent shifts, monitor signs of drowsy driving with in-cab dashcams, and alert you of safety incidents with telematics. If drowsy driving concerns you, speak with one of our experts to see how we can help you rest easy. 

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