Going green is the name of the game for most modern businesses trying to uphold a positive reputation in today’s climate. It’s not only crucial for maintaining a positive reputation but for helping the environment and slowing climate change as much as possible. Many fleets are trying to go zero emissions in an attempt to be greener and environmentally friendly. Zero emissions indicates a vehicle that does not emit waste products that pollute or disrupt the environment. It is essential for our planet for more fleets to transition to net-zero emissions. How exactly can fleets do this?
New Sustainable Goals
President Biden has put in place new goals for 2021 involving creating sustainable infrastructure during his administration. The administration promotes innovations that “drive dramatic cost reductions in critical clean energy technologies, the next generation of building materials, renewable hydrogen, and advanced nuclear.” With companies fighting to create green technologies to align with this goal, it will likely be easier and more affordable for fleets to go green soon. How can fleets begin to reduce emissions to get to their zero-emissions goal?
Measure Emissions
The crucial first step in managing emissions is measuring them. Fleets can measure their emissions using fuel use data. Fleet fuel cards can be instrumental in achieving this. Some fleet fuel cards can provide a report card that measures your emissions at a glance, making it easy to see where problems are and where to cut back. Standard corporate credit cards can also be traced, although it can be a bit more challenging.
Once a fleet determines how much fuel they have purchased, they can calculate their emissions. A gallon of gas produces about 20 pounds of CO2 when burned. Multiply the number of gallons of gas purchased by 20 to learn how much CO2 your fleet has released. It may be a shocking amount. However, once you know how much your fleet emits, you can begin to cut down.
Find Cost-Effective Ways To Improve Efficiency
There are often cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. One of these methods is route planning software, which cuts costs by finding the most fuel-efficient route between destinations. Fleet fuel cards also help fleets by tracking fuel use while saving money on fuel costs. Fleets should always be looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint without breaking the bank, as it is the only way a business will succeed.
Focus on Outcomes and Not Technology
Implementing new technology is vital for reducing emissions, but fleets should be careful not to rely solely on technology to make their company green. Any emissions goals should focus on reducing greenhouse gases, not achieving benefits with a particular technology. Many fleets fall into the trap of focusing on a specific technology, and miss the bigger picture. Their overall payoff is not as great as it could be if they spread their resources out to other technologies or practical considerations. For example, cutting down on idling does not employ the use of any new technology, but it is a huge step in reducing emissions for fleets.
Offset What You Can’t Reduce
Nothing on the road is perfect for the climate, and no business is 100% environmentally friendly. This does not mean fleets should simply give up before the finish line. Businesses should combat what they cannot reduce by offsetting with other methods. Supporting other green initiatives in the community can help reduce the impact of your company’s emissions and bring you to net-zero emissions in the end.
Apply Methods to All Aspects of Fleet Operations
Environmental initiatives shouldn’t just apply to vehicles but to all aspects of a fleet’s operations. From everything that happens in the office to work done on-site, companies can take steps at all levels to make every aspect of any business more green. Find out where you can take steps in your daily operations to reduce your carbon footprint and make that leap. It’s essential for the planet as well as your business!
Everyone has to play a part in reducing emissions if the planet is going to see any major change. Businesses benefit, people benefit, and most importantly, the planet benefits for future generations to come. Find out what technologies are available to help you track your fleet and make your operations greener by following Azuga’s blog.