Fleet Safety

Why You Should Be Tracking Seatbelt Data

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You can’t talk about modern fleet management without talking about fleet data management. In a highly competitive industry, fleet managers can use data as a resource to, among other benefits, optimize fleet efficiency, reduce maintenance expenses, and enhance driver safety. Tracking seat belt data is one of the metrics that supports these efforts.

The Importance of Seat Belts in Fleet Safety

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that an estimated 14% of commercial motor vehicle drivers don’t wear seat belts. Seeing as how seat belts are the most effective safety device, a lack of use puts drivers at a greater risk for injuries and fatalities. To put this in perspective, nearly half of large truck occupants who weren’t wearing a seat belt in 2020 fatal crashes died.

Proper training and safety policies can help encourage seat belt use among truck drivers. But it’s also important to be able to track their real-time behavior. Fleet tracking software can help with that.

Why Tracking Seat Belt Data Is Critical

Are drivers consistently following safety protocols and wearing their seat belts? It’s a question that fleet managers often have and one that tracking seat belt data can answer. By tracking seat belt compliance rates, fleet managers can pinpoint which drivers comply with seat belt use and which ones fail to do so (sometimes also on a consistent basis).

Tracking seat belt data eliminates guesswork for fleet managers. They’ll have data to prove which drivers comply with seat belt use and which don’t. If drivers have low compliance rates, fleet managers can consider opportunities for additional training to help the drivers embrace safer habits.

It’s also worth noting that simply tracking seat belt data encourages positive behavior. When drivers know their seat belt usage is being monitored, they’re more inclined to wear seat belts on the road. This is beneficial both from a safety standpoint and from a liability and regulatory compliance perspective.

How Fleet Management Data Can Help

There is a growing emphasis on safety and data-driven insights in fleet management. So it’s natural that seat belt data tracking is now more integrated with fleet data management systems.

With this integration, fleet managers can access seat belt use data alongside other data critical to fleet operations. A holistic view of fleet safety helps fleet managers make more informed decisions to improve their operations.

For instance, fleet data management systems can offer insights into where a driver is speeding and the posted speed limit. You can compare this data to a week before and see if the driver is doing better on driving safer.

Implement Seat Belt Tracking with a Fleet Tracking System

A fleet tracking system is an ideal means of tracking seat belt data. Once you confirm that the system can collect the data you need, you can set up alerts. These alerts will notify fleet managers in real-time if drivers are not wearing their seat belts and also alert the drivers.

As is the case with Azuga’s fleet tracking system, seat belt use data can be factored into driver scores. This score is a comprehensive review of how a driver performs behind the wheel and where there is room for improvement. It also shows how a score compares to coworkers. This comparison sparks friendly competition to achieve rewards.

Make Tracking Seat Belt Data a Priority

Tracking seat belt data is critical to enhancing driver safety. It helps fleet managers know drivers adhere to safe practices behind the wheel, giving them peace of mind. When this data is integrated as part of a larger fleet data management strategy, fleet managers can further improve their fleet’s safety.

Questions People Also Ask

What is fleet data management?

Fleet data management is the process of collecting, curating, and analyzing data related to fleet vehicles. This data can relate to vehicle performance, vehicle maintenance, and driver behavior, among other variables.

Why is it important to track seat belt data in fleet management?

Seat belts are the most effective devices for keeping truck drivers safe on the road. Tracking seat belt data helps ensure drivers are in compliance with seat belt safety protocols.

How does a fleet tracking system work in tracking seat belt data?

A fleet tracking system collects real-time data in regards to driver seat belt use. If drivers aren’t wearing their seat belts, both fleet managers and the driver receive alerts. This allows fleet managers to identify which drivers are in compliance while encouraging drivers to follow safe practices.