GPS Fleet Tracking

What is Telematics Navigation?

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If you’re in the fleet industry, you likely already know a bit about fleet tracking and telematics. But do you know how they work together? Telematics assists in all aspects of fleet management, from safety to maintenance, but one of its primary uses is in telematics navigation. Telematics takes basic GPS navigation to the next level so you can better manage your fleet. Let’s define telematics navigation and discuss how it can help your business. 

Telematics vs. GPS

A significant difference between telematics and GPS is that GPS applies to a single driver and vehicle, whereas telematics takes information from all of your fleet’s vehicles and stores it. This way, your fleet can work more cohesively. However, this doesn’t mean that telematics competes with GPS. It’s quite the opposite. 

Telematics uses GPS as its central technology to collect data about vehicles. The hardware is typically very simple. The driver plugs a device into their OBD port, and the system takes it from there. It will then transmit data to the office’s fleet tracking software so that you can view the information in real-time. Finally, software consolidates this information into reports, making it easy to find patterns and data you need to make decisions.

Benefits of Telematics

Telematics can track all kinds of driver and vehicle data, and the information you obtain is invaluable in all aspects of fleet management. 

  • Track safety behaviors like rapid acceleration or hard braking
  • Track maintenance schedules to keep vehicles in top shape
  • Increase fuel efficiency by tracking time idled 
  • Find better and more fuel-efficient routes

You can take advantage of these many benefits through your fleet management software, powered by telematics. 

Trends in Telematics

Technology is constantly changing, and telematics isn’t any different. New changes occur all the time, and the current trends aim to keep drivers safer. 

  • Dash Cams: Dash cams have exploded in popularity among fleets. There are innumerable benefits to having a dash cam in every fleet vehicle. First, an AI-powered camera can promote safety by tracking behaviors that indicate distracted or drowsy driving, like yawning, unfocused eyes, eating, or cell phone usage. Fleets also appreciate having a record in the event of an accident. They serve as an irrefutable witness, showing a comprehensive view of everything that happened at the time of an accident.
  • Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics analyzes data from statistics, machine learning, and other methods and makes predictions by generating a likelihood score. The higher an event’s score is, the more likely it is to occur. Predictive analytics is used in features like route optimization, analyzing driver behaviors, and maintenance alerts. 

Take Advantage of Telematics Today! 

If your fleet isn’t using telematics, you may be at a disadvantage. Reach out to an expert at Azuga today to get ahead and boost your fleet’s tracking immediately. Azuga’s telematics solutions are top of the line, and a demo will prove it!