We are pleased to announce the winners of the Azuga Fleet Driving Awards for the fourth quarter of 2020.
We launched Azuga’s quarterly awards program in 2015 to motivate and incentivize both fleet managers and fleet drivers to make safe driving a key part of their operations and culture through the use of Azuga’s fleet tracking and driver safety scoring solution. The quarterly award program proves return-on-investment, increasing the safety of their fleet as well as the communities in which they work.
After analyzing fleet information, the Azuga Data Science team ranked thousands of fleets across the nation. Using a weighted average of several individual components, including speeding, hard braking, harsh acceleration, and the number of trips made in a given day, and miles traveled per hour, we have identified the top performing drivers and fleets for the final quarter of 2020..
Azuga is proud to announce the following fleets and drivers for the fourth quarter of 2020 as recipients of the Azuga Safety Star and Azuga Elite Fleet awards respectively.

The winning fleets are:
- Reed & Graham, Inc.
- Area Wide Protective, Inc
- All Star Electric
- T.L. Wallace Construction Inc.
- Ideal Contracting
- Altice USA
- Tenaxx Transport
- United Mechanical
- Custom Vehicle Outfitter LLC
- Service Experts Heating and Air Conditioning LLC

And the fleet driver award winners are:
- Daniel Soderberg, Lynn Dairy, Inc.
- Dave Byrum, Syngenta Corp
- Eugene Fryson, US Sugar Company
- Jack Ficke, Brothers Express LLC
- Hunter Barham, Olameter
- Dave Womack, Joy Engineering
- Huey Chatman, Southern Tire Mart
- Arthur Linares, Municipal District Services, LLC
- Juan Vasquez, Statewide Transportation, Inc.
- Nicholas Simpson, High Power Technical Services
“Our fleet awards each quarter make us proud of the customers we work with - highlighting their safety, success, and devotion to customer service,” said Ananth Rani, CEO of Azuga. “The data proved that even though this year has certainly been an interesting one safety, productivity, and hard work drives our communities.”