Fleet Management

What Mobility Management Looks Like for Enterprise Fleets

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Using software to resolve mobility management issues is projected to play a massive role in the future of fleet management. However, it remains an unknown prospect to many stakeholders.

Modern fleet management technology makes it possible to manage your team’s mobility from anywhere, at any time. Improve your team’s productivity and increase profitability with the adoption of key technologies.

What is Mobility Management?

Mobility management refers to the mobility of staff within an organization for business purposes. It involves extending fleet management practices by integrating ‘big data’ related to employees - such as location, time, and even work habits - into daily operations to identify additional savings opportunities by improving efficiency.

It’s crucial for modern fleet businesses to maintain control of employee mobility—and its related costs. This control is dependent on monitoring:

  • How much it costs for employees to travel to target destinations
  • How often they travel, and the purpose of travel.
  • How journeys are made
  • The viability of an alternative mode of transport

Ensuring you are on top of all company mobility requirements can help you manage spending, create economical travel options, reduce your company’s carbon footprint, and promote employee satisfaction.

The Benefits of Enterprise Mobility Management

Mobility management is rapidly becoming an essential part of every company’s fleet management toolkit. But what are the top benefits that fleets can draw from mobility management? Let’s take a few at the most common benefits.

Improve Overall Fleet Management Efficiency

Integrating employee-related data into daily company operations streamlines fleet management tasks. When historical ‘Big Data’ analysis is joined together with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other data from Google Maps, it allows fleets to plot transport options in a more streamlined and economically viable manner.

This data can provide insights about efficiency in management, or lack thereof. This gives you the opportunity to spot areas that need improvement, make them more efficient, and minimize operational expenses. 

Shift in Approach

In the highly competitive fleet industry, it’s crucial to optimize fleet movement from one point to another. While vehicle routes and vehicle mileage are static beyond a specific point, mobility management is a flexible variable that offers scope for improved productivity gains.

The best mobility management approach allows individuals or enterprises to choose the most optimal option before traveling. However, managers or parties tasked with decision-making may also use data insights reactively to make rational deliberations; these late decisions may become default guidelines in future travels, or for situations in which you cannot analyze real-time data.

Enterprise mobility management paves the way for a shift in approach, contrary to the traditional focus where variables were related to vehicles’ ownership.

Focus on the Most Economical Option

In today’s competitive business space, profit margins can be minimal, and enterprises need to save where possible.

Mobility management is not about getting rid of company vehicles; it’s focused on analyzing trips. The system looks at the type of vehicle, whether in a car or public transport, the purpose of the trip, the time limit, and the direct and indirect costs of all the options.

Ideally, the system determines the most viable option, i.e., the one that is more cost-effective.

Efficient fleet management requires that you consider mobility costs when calculating total ownership cost. This helps shed light on employee travel costs, allowing you to identify the most economical mode of transport. Better bottom-line performance is achieved when the system pegs accurate budgets and spending controls within the company.

Better Fleet Control and Insights

A management system backed by an intuitive software solution enables an enterprise to effectively handle everything related to travel, including company vehicles, personal cars, pool vehicles, rentals, among other options. It enhances insights, giving managers full control of fleets. The best fleet management suite should accomplish the following:

  • Keep track of and manage accounts in conjunction with external transport providers
  • Improve visibility of driver information to facilitate full compliance of regulations and company rules
  • Keep all driver records in place and up-to-date, transmitting key data to managers and other decision-makers via superior and highly intuitive mobile apps

Top Mobility Management Solutions for Fleet Companies

Enterprise mobility management solutions vary from one brand to another. In a dedicated survey, several advantages of adopting mobility were realized. It was found out that mobility solutions help fleet managers to achieve productivity and flexibility for their employees, saving on the cost incurred in running the business.

Here are some of the top mobility management solutions:


Azuga offers more than enterprise mobility management solutions, in that it has a specially tailored mobile app that gives managers full control of their fleets with the press of a button. Their standalone smartphone edition puts together location-based data, timestamps, and driver monitoring.

Space O Technologies

Space O Technologies provides mobility solutions across various industries like education, healthcare, and transport, among others. It comes with features such as mobile device management, mobile security, BYOD solutions, and M2M communications.


Peerbits offers several enterprise mobility management solutions through mobile app development services. Features include mobile content management, mobile policy management, mobile security management, mobile lifecycle management, and BYOD management.


Citrix provides mobility management solutions via networking, digital workspace, and analytic solutions. It is hailed for offering people-centric solutions designed to give fleet companies flexibility.


Blackberry offers enterprise mobility management solutions to manage and secure mobile apps, devices, and data. It comes with solutions for secure productivity, easy collaboration, document security & compliance, and business transformation.


Improving mobility management for enterprise fleets means making transportation decisions based on analysis of needs and desires. This can prove highly advantageous for fleets of all sizes, and give you better control over your team’s efficiency and overall bottom line.