Field Service Management

The Benefits of HVAC GPS Tracking

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If you’re in the HVAC business, you’ve likely heard a lot about GPS tracking. Many HVAC fleets are using GPS tracking these days to manage their operations better and are finding great success. Connors Plumbing & Heating is just one of these many companies. They reached out to Azuga to get the best of the best in HVAC GPS fleet tracking. Connors wanted better visibility on their drivers and found Azuga was the best partner to help them do so. 

Azuga allows me to organize my technicians, vehicles and jobs much faster than ever before and gives peace of mind its going smooth.”

Jessica Corchran, Fleet Manager, Connors Plumbing & Heating

The Benefits of GPS Tracking

Connors sought the many benefits of HVAC GPS tracking, which enabled success in many of their business goals. Let’s go over the benefits of GPS tracking. 

  • Know where your drivers are. GPS tracking offers a live map with a real-time view of where your drivers are. You never have to guess what’s going on with your fleet. It’s easy to tell where your vehicles and assets are at a glance without having to micromanage and check in with your drivers constantly. 
  • Get alerts for unexpected behavior. Geofencing is a feature in which you can draw a virtual perimeter around certain areas on a map. You can set up how you want these perimeters to work, such as creating an alert when vehicles enter or exit these perimeters. This can tell you when drivers are behaving unexpectedly or even when your vehicles have become targets of theft. 
  • Optimize the use of your technicians. Assign the right technician for the job every time. When a job comes in, you’ll want to assign the technician who can get there fastest. That’s where GPS tracking comes in. You can look right at the map and know exactly who to designate. 

Connors Plumbing & Heating’s Results

When Connors Plumbing and Heating partnered with Azuga, they wanted to use GPS tracking to know where all of their drivers were at any given time. They hoped this would help them assign the best technicians to the job and determine how many technicians were out in the field. Their large service area made this difficult to manage in the past. How was Azuga’s GPS solution able to help?

Now Connors can easily pinpoint which technicians and vehicles to send to job sites based on their proximity. This has resulted in a faster response time; they can often get a technician to a customer in seconds. Furthermore, they have harnessed geofencing to create critical alerts whenever their vehicles enter or leave their priority areas. They use this to determine when drivers are around the office, near a customer, or for other areas that are critical to their business. This gives them improved visibility and control over their fleet. 

Overall, Connors has enjoyed the benefits of Azuga’s GPS tracking and has seen real results for their business. They are accomplishing that which has not been possible in the past. 

Start Enjoying Fleet Tracking Benefits for Yourself

If you’re an HVAC fleet struggling with visibility into your drivers, you’re not alone. Azuga is here to help with state-of-the-art fleet tracking technology that can help you accomplish the same as Connors Plumbing & Heating. Reach out to one of our experts today for a demo and see what we can accomplish together.