Field Service management

How to Engage Users in New Field Management Software

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You’ve done the research and settled on a new field service management software for your fleet business. While you may be excited about all of the benefits your new software provides, your team may be resisting the change. Here are a few tips to help you engage users in your new field service management software solution.

Inform Users at Every Stage

Ideally, your users should have been aware that you were looking for a new solution. If you haven’t landed on a specific solution yet, take the time to let them know why you’re seeking new software. Then ask for their opinions and suggestions on what improvements are needed. 

Once a software solution is chosen, take the time to introduce it to your team before it’s even implemented. Let them know what software you chose and why. Give them a few details about the improvements they can expect and provide a timeline for implementation.

After the software is up and running, poll your employees again. Find out what they like and don’t like about the chosen software. If possible, help them find ways to improve their experience. Share positive feedback with the whole team to encourage them to engage with the new solution.

Be Honest and Positive

For many field service technicians, new management software means just one thing: big brother is watching. While you might be tempted to downplay any remote monitoring features, it’s always better to be honest with your team about what you’re tracking and why.

Share details with the team about the type of information the new software will track, as well as the things it will not be able to monitor. Give them specific examples of why this type of monitoring is beneficial to the team on the whole. Be sure to reward good habits and results at least as often as you recognize shortcomings and problem areas. 

As a manager, you should use remote monitoring to help your field service team improve. In most cases, this should look more like being a cheerleader than a drill sergeant. When employees understand that monitoring software is more for their benefit than for punitive purposes, they’re far more likely to engage with the system.

Gamify the Experience

Nothing gets people on board like a little competition. Look for a way to gamify your new software experience, and you’ll be surprised how attitudes improve. 

Look for opportunities to add a little competition to your team’s daily operations. One great option is Azuga’s driver safety rewards program. It allows drivers to compete for the best safety score in the fleet, and earn gift cards for their efforts. 

Even if your software doesn’t include a built-in competition, there are still ways to gamify its implementation:

  • Give employees a weekly pop quiz about the new software. Those who answer correctly can be entered into a drawing to win a gift card or other prize.
  • Pick any area of the new software where employees are struggling and create a competition for improvement. Set specific goals and markers, and then reward those who reach them. 
  • Hide secret messages in the training materials for your new software or in the employee dashboard. Reward employees who find them. 

Get Regular Feedback

Your employees want to be heard and want to know their opinions are valued. Encourage your team to give you regular feedback, not only on your new software solution, but on any other aspect of the job that they feel could use improvement. While you won’t be able to fix every issue they raise, knowing that they’re heard and that you are aware of the problem can sometimes be enough.

If your team isn’t used to giving feedback, you might need to ask direct questions about what is and isn’t working for them. Eventually, this type of feedback will become more natural and they’ll feel more freedom to come to you with concerns. Open and honest conversations about the workplace can benefit all involved. After all, the best software solutions improve not only your job but the jobs of your employees as well. 

Whenever you implement change in your workplace, there will be some resistance. After all, we are creatures of habit and most employees are more comfortable with the status quo than with “new and improved” policies and tools.