GPS Fleet Tracking

How Does GPS Tracking Work?

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GPS tracking is one of the building blocks of fleet management. It can serve many functions, from safety to efficiency and everything in between. If you’re a fleet manager, you likely use GPS tracking daily. But to fully reap the benefits of GPS tracking, you need to understand how GPS tracking works. This article will discuss what GPS is, how it works, and how it benefits your fleet. 

What is GPS Tracking?

The concept of GPS tracking is simple. It allows you to track vehicles, drivers, and assets using software and hardware that captures crucial data regarding locations and diagnostics. This technology sends this information back to the primary office. With GPS fleet tracking, managers can track, locate, and monitor their fleet vehicles and drivers in real time. 

The device connects at three points: 

  1. The vehicle’s engine computer unit
  2. GPS satellites
  3. The internet

Through a web browser or mobile app, a manager can access the tracking data in a dashboard that presents the live data via maps, charts, and reports. This way, it’s easy to see where a vehicle is, the health of the vehicle, and even driver behaviors like speeding and idling. 

Many times, these devices are also very easy to install. For example, Azuga’s tracking device can be installed in less than 20 seconds. It uses the OBD port, which most vehicles built after 1996 already have. Simply plug the device into this port and wait for it to light up. Once it’s plugged in, it will automatically connect to the software. 

Types of GPS Trackers

Personal Trackers: This is when an average person uses a GPS tracker to monitor an essential possession or even their pets.

Asset Trackers: Asset trackers’ main benefit is preventing theft. If a thief takes your asset outside a perimeter that you determine, an alert will be sent to you so you can let authorities know exactly where to find it. 

App-based Trackers: Some fleets will download an app to their phones and use internet data to get their locations. Often, small fleets that utilize contractors may choose this option since their drivers may not want trackers on their personal cars. The benefit of tracking apps is that the app is only activated during business hours to keep the appropriate separation between business and personal use of the vehicle. 

Benefits of GPS Tracking

Maximize Productivity: Fleet tracking tells you where your vehicles are whenever you need to know. You can check in with your drivers if your vehicles aren’t where you expect them. When drivers know they are being monitored, they are more likely to stay on track. Consequently, everything will run smoothly for your business, and your team will be more productive. 

Assign Crew and Assets Effectively: Knowing when your vehicles and assets start and stop is a significant advantage. If you know which assets aren’t used very often, you can move them to another location where they will be more effective. For example, if a site has idle vehicles while another has people reporting overtime, you can reallocate your resources to make efforts more evenly split. 

Prevent Theft: Geofences are virtual perimeters that you set up around certain areas on a map. You can then establish alerts when your vehicles leave these locations. Therefore, when a thief targets one of your vehicles, you can act right away and tell authorities exactly where your vehicle is. This dramatically increases the chances that your vehicle will be recovered undamaged. 

Get the Best GPS Trackers!

If you’re not tracking your fleet with GPS, you may be at a significant disadvantage. After reading this article, it should be clear why. Azuga offers state-of-the-art fleet tracking technology that works with real-time accuracy. Schedule a demo with one of our experts and check out what we can do together.