We all know that a delighted customer leads to referrals and recommendations that help you grow your business. Delivering world-class customer service is the best way to differentiate you from your competitors. But how can GPS telematics help you deliver great customer service?
Fleet Management Adds a Welcome Difference in Customer Service
Let's take a look at a company that’s in a time-sensitive solution-providing business like garage door repair. When there’s an imbalance within the door-frame, a loud noise from the motor, or worse - a door is stuck, they have to get to the customer site ASAP.
Then there are the routine servicing visits that attend to things like realigning the door track, adjusting springs and cables, or re-calibrating the remote opener.
To this company, it matters to be able to provide accurate ETAs to customers - and they need a system that is easy to install and use. Here’s what they have to say:
"Kitsap Garage Door has always believed in the use of technology to deliver better customer service and improve productivity. We just switched over to Azuga G2™ from a traditional GPS contraption. We wanted to go beyond GPS, to get insight into engine idling and fuel used.”
John Ramer, President

Earning the Extra Smile Through Customer Service
You could be in a quite different line of business, where you receive a request for an emergency visit or urgent pickup. Can you manage it without throwing your day's schedule out of gear? You need to rapidly identify a suitable driver and send them efficiently to the customer's location. This re-routing has to be accomplished with minimal disruption to existing itineraries.
In fact, even your fleet's reputation for safety with a reliable GPS fleet management solution turns out to be a competitive advantage! On average, Azuga's customers report an impressive 57% reduction in citations.
Ko-Olina Transportation is an example. Azuga’s fleet tracking solution enables this company in Hawaii to optimize routing, stay in communication with its drivers, monitor vehicle health, and oversee driver behavior.
"With its real-time availability, Azuga Fleet lets us operate our entire fleet as efficiently as possible and deliver superior customer service to our clients."
Denny Walker, General Manager
A GPS Fleet Solution to Quickly Launch
Plan B When Needed
Consider also some of the things that really make a lasting impression on customers. They just love it if you can accommodate a difficult request occasionally. Customers really appreciate it when you frankly notify them of a technical problem and are able to quickly solve it, demonstrating your commitment to service. They like to see that you can deal with the uncertainties of traffic and can reroute vehicles as needed to minimize delays.
Communicating your team's capability and sharing up-to-date information with the customer goes a long way to enhance your business's reputation.
It's not just the unpredictability of traffic that can cause delays for your drivers. It could be a maintenance issue; even a breakdown. While such delays will affect customers, your preparedness and professional response will make an impression on them.
What can you do when some delay is inevitable? When there's a delay, your ability to offer the customer a clear idea of a new ETA is an advantage to have. You’ll need to know which driver could effectively be re-routed so as to minimize the customer's wait.

Got to Keep The Customer Notified
Is there an untapped opportunity to engage the customer when some waiting is involved? When a customer has ordered something - whether delivery is to be carried out in less than an hour, or within a week, they all want to know when their delivery will arrive! When you can view a package or consignment's progress in real-time, you can engage with the customer in a supportive and positive way.
There are similar moves you can make to get from passable customer service to outstanding customer service.
If an HVAC or pest control technician team makes many stops each day, a GPS fleet management solution will log both the arrival as well as the departure time at every stop. This totally solves the issue of providing proof of service. The visit reports can be shared with customers too as delivery confirmation - and are a part of your prompt customer service. On average, Azuga's customers report a 28% improvement in transit time, which adds to promptness.
Improved customer service is among the ROI contributions you can achieve by deploying a state-of-the-art GPS based fleet management suite.