Field Service Management

Field Service Management: Why DashCams Are Essential

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In today’s world of ever-growing and expanding technology, dash cams have become an indisputable necessity in field operations. With the ability to provide proof of events on the road as well as drivers’ responses and behaviors, fleet dash cams are a primary tool in field service safety programs. They are also instrumental in assessing risk, helping to identify hazardous areas, inefficient routes, and areas you may want your fleet to avoid. Two-way dash cams have also become an indispensable option for real-time driver training. Providing feedback on drivers’ actions and sending rewards while they are still in the cab can help reinforce the type of driving behaviors you desire. Finally, dash cams can positively affect your bottom line by producing indisputable evidence in the case of accidents and reducing insurance costs.

Safety First

It is no question that dash cams promote safety across the fleet. A fleet service manager can’t be everywhere at once, but with two-way dash cams, you can be present and provide feedback when and where the need arises. Increasing the safety of your fleet not only saves lives but also protects your assets and improves the overall efficiency of your field service business. In many cases, just having a dash cam present encourages drivers to follow safer driving practices. Drivers are less likely to speed through that yellow light or roll through a stop sign when they know their actions are being monitored. Also, having a second set of eyes on the road produces a more secure feeling for your drivers as well as other motorists. The driver is no longer alone in the cab; his safe driving practices can be seen by his field service manager and anyone in dispute of that fact.       

Driver Training

Dash cams are a great avenue for providing real-time driver feedback. Quality dash cam systems provide alerts to the fleet manager when driving behaviors are unsafe or problematic. Once alerted, fleet service managers can observe drivers’ actions in the cab and teach best practices. Seasoned drivers and rookies alike benefit from ongoing training. As more is learned and safety practices are updated, ongoing training and reinforcement provide drivers with the best in driving education. It’s like having a driving school in the front of every cab. Improved driving practices translate to safer fleets, and safer fleets translate to better insurance rates and reduced vehicle costs for you.

Improved Relationships

Working toward improved safety practices and focusing on continuing driver education really lets everyone know just how much you value relationships with your clients and drivers.  Investing in those relationships will reap rewards for everyone. Fleet service managers are able to build trust with clients by letting them know they are monitoring their cargo. They have systems in place to keep their assets safe. Drivers are reassured that their manager is interested in maintaining their safety and will therefore take an active role in continued real-time training. Taking a proactive approach to these relationships communicates the value you place on your drivers and technicians.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Reduced Costs

Another benefit of equipping every vehicle in your fleet with dash cams is the potential for making a real impact on your bottom line. Two-way fleet dash cams have the ability to provide indisputable evidence in the case of accidents, which, in turn, will speed up the claims process. Decreasing the processing time for claims improves your overall efficiency and positively impacts your bottom line. Also, being able to produce undeniable evidence of fault can also greatly impact financial responsibility. No more false insurance claims or attempts at vehicle accident scams. 

Insurance companies are beginning to take notice of the potential benefits of commercial dash cam use as well. Knowing that they can decrease the potential for fraudulent claims, provide evidence in the case of an accident, and improve the fleet’s driving practices, insurance companies are beginning to provide premium discounts just for having fleet dash cams in use.

Improved Efficiency

Having a dash cam in the front of every vehicle in your fleet is like having continuous and ongoing data analysis. Information that is gathered about the areas in which your fleet is driving, and the conditions they must navigate can be used to develop safer and more efficient driving plans. 

If an established route results in prolonged idle times or extended drive times to navigate barriers, perhaps a change is needed. If a specific route results in multiple claims, a different route may significantly reduce these issues and improve the process. This is information that would be much harder to garner without having fleet dash cams available.

The decision to incorporate dash cams as a part of your field service management solutions is a significant one. Their potential to improve safety, efficiency and relationships make them a true asset to your overall business and credit to your bottom line. To learn more about how dual-facing and AI-powered dash cams can help you manage your drivers and fleet, visit today.