In 2015, fleet managers and telematics professionals now have a range of conferences they can choose to attend, from traditional conferences to the next-generation events that talk increasingly about the benefits of the connected vehicle revolution.
Between the summits, (un)conferences, gatherings and drum circles it can get a little overwhelming, and unfortunately, a lot of companies (ourselves included) tend to push them off, waiting for the next big thing. But we know your 2016 planning is underway, so now is the perfect time to head out to a show and check out all the latest trends and technologies that will help you meet your annual business goals and objectives. Not to mention, tradeshows and expos give employees the opportunities to network, learn best fleet management practice and increase lead generation. Below are the top four fall fleet conferences to attend:
1. FleetCon– September 14-17, Glendale, AZ
In it’s 39th year, Fleetcon is an education event for all fleet personnel, fleet suppliers and all types of fleets. The annual event combines education, introduction to new technologies and innovations and solutions. The agenda is jam packed with over 20 award winning fleet managers and directors, subject matter experts, and keynote speakers. Attendees will get to dig deep into topics such as fleet management, data mining and social media integration.
2. NCSFA State Fleet Managers Workshop– October 7-9 Nashville, TN
NCSFA’s 3rd annual State Fleet Managers Workshop is specifically tailored to government fleet professionals. This three day intensive workshop will be lead by seasoned state fleet professionals who will be sharing their best practices and program information through roundtable discussions, breakout sessions and keynote speakers. Attendees also enjoy several networking breaks weaved into the conference agenda.
3. CCJ Symposium– November 16-18, Scottsdale, CA
Hosted by national media outlet, Commercial Carrier Journal, the two-day symposium brings together top-level fleet executives and key industry suppliers to discuss the challenges facing the trucking industry. Fleets share business strategies with peers as well as learn about the new products and services of the sponsoring companies. The agenda includes several keynote speakers from leaders of major organization such as the FMSCA and the Navy. Attendees can dive into their interests in breakout sessions with focuses on technology and equipment. Attendees also enjoy networking and relaxing at the Westin Kierland Golf Course. Click here for the full agenda.
4. Connected Fleets USA – November 16-17, Atlanta, GA
With 300+ attendees from a cross section of the telematics industry and 30+ top-level speakers, Connected Fleets USA is the industry’s premier event that focuses on the advances in connectivity in the fleet industry, providing the insights you need to advance your business. This year, you can expect presentations on data utility and security, the connected driver and the business of the connected fleet.
Definitely attending Connected Fleets USA? So are we! Connect with us to schedule a demo!
We hope that with this line up, the remainder of your 2015 is filled with travel, education and improved business strategies as we head into 2016!
You catch Azuga Fleet representatives at Pest World 2015 too, so if you’ll be there, tweet us at @Azuga_GPS or connect heres o we can be sure to meet up.