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Are EVs or ICE Vehicles More Energy Efficient?

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With the rise in electric vehicles taking place over the past couple of years, you’ve probably had a lot of questions about them. Electric vehicles have many benefits, from their friendliness to the environment to their potential for cost savings. Of course, for fleets, the number one question is efficiency. Which type of vehicle makes the most out of its fuel? That’s what we’ll explore here. 

How Much Energy Do ICE Vehicles Lose?

Vehicles with internal combustion engines lose much more energy than you might think. A report from Yale calls these vehicles “fundamentally inefficient.” They waste about 80% of the energy in their fuel on average. Where does this energy go? Let’s break it down. 

Considering that 75% to 84% of energy is lost, the loss breaks down as follows: 

  • 68-72% is engine losses
  • 4-6% is parasitic losses
  • 3-5% is drivetrain losses
  • 0-2% is auxiliary electricity use

How Are EVs Different?

We know that electric vehicles receive energy in the form of electricity directly. Therefore, they do not need to convert one form of energy into another. This makes them far more efficient. However, they do still lose about 11% of their energy. How is this energy lost?

Electric vehicles lose about 31-35% of their energy, but 22% is returned through regenerative braking. The lost energy breaks down as follows:

  • 10% loss from charging
  • 18% loss from the drivetrain
  • 3% loss from power train cooling and steering
  • 0-4% loss from auxiliary electricity use

Other Benefits of Electric Vehicles

We briefly mentioned some of the other benefits of electric vehicles above, but let’s go into more detail now. 

Lower Fuel Costs

Fuel prices have fluctuated dramatically this past year, affecting fleets the hardest. However, electric vehicles don’t have to worry about fuel prices. AMPLY reports that in 22 cities, it is 44% cheaper to charge light-duty vehicles with electricity than to fuel similar vehicles with gasoline. It’s 43% cheaper for medium-duty vehicles and 37% cheaper than diesel for heavy-duty fleets.

Lower Maintenance Costs

Another cost that’s been on the rise is maintenance. Parts are harder to come by, and labor is higher than ever. However, electric vehicles have fewer mechanical parts than ICE vehicles. Maintaining and repairing EVs costs 22% less than caring for their ICE counterparts. You may be surprised to learn that the average cost for maintenance for an electric vehicle during its first three years is a low $77. That number for gas-powered vehicles is $228. Save money on maintenance as soon as you can by going electric. 

Environmental Benefits

Your fleet’s role in your community is central to its community. Making strides in benefitting the environment is an excellent move on your path to boosting your business’s reputation. EVs are far better for the environment than gas-powered vehicles. If you can convert your fleet, your customers will see your efforts and spread the word. You’ll be known as a positive force in the community, committed to change. 

Stay Up to Date on Electric Vehicles

It may be challenging for your fleet to convert to electric vehicles just yet. Charging stations aren’t available everywhere, and the vehicles are still expensive. However, the market is quickly changing. Our blog will keep you updated on everything happening in the world of electric vehicles. Stick with us to stay informed.