Fleet Management

Unlocking the Value of Your ELD Data: Gaining Fleet Data Insights

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The data collected from fleet vehicles can tell a meaningful story. Fleet managers can better understand vehicle performance, fuel consumption, GPS location, driver behavior, and more.

These metrics can be valuable in improving the safety and efficiency of your fleet. The same goes for fleet data insights from your electronic logging device (ELD).

The Power of ELD Data

It has been several years since the ELD mandate went into effect. In that time, the data from these devices has helped support safer and more efficient fleet operations.

Consider this: driver fatigue contributes to 13% of all commercial motor vehicle (CMV) crashes. With ELD data, fleet managers can ensure that drivers take mandated rest breaks and are less prone to fatigue behind the wheel. 

What’s more, with vehicle tracking data, fleet managers can also identify the optimal routes for drivers. Taking the most efficient routes helps limit driver fatigue and curb fuel consumption and vehicle wear and tear.

This efficiency also impacts administrative efforts. With less clerical work required to maintain records, ELDs for fleet management could save fleets $809 per driver in annual paperwork costs. ELD management also makes it easier for drivers to report on HOS compliance and prepare for audits.

How to Gain Actionable Insights from Your ELD Data

Maximizing the potential of your ELD data requires the right approach to ELD management. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Train your staff on how to properly use an ELD system and continue to update that training as regulations change
  • Regularly collect driver feedback to address any ELD usability issues and help encourage their use of the technology
  • Make sure ELD devices are properly maintained and updated to ensure the reliability of ELD data

With this foundation, your fleet can better capture data insights that improve operations. Building on the examples shared above, consider these lesser-known applications of ELD data:

  1. Monitor unsafe driving behaviors and provide more coaching to drivers when needed
  2. Reward drivers who exhibit safe driving habits to further promote a culture of safety
  3. Schedule proactive maintenance based on vehicle performance to prevent disruptive, costly breakdowns
  4. Enable faster responses to emergencies and accidents with real-time tracking
  5. Reconstruct accidents and incidents on the road to minimize liabilities

Making Your ELD Data Work for You

It’s time to get down to brass tacks. As a fleet manager, you need to know how you can analyze your ELD data today to improve your fleet operations for the future.

Let’s go back to the topic of route optimization. From historical ELD data, you can identify areas that are typically congested or hazardous in the winter. You can use these fleet data insights to exclude areas from scheduled routes. Doing so expedites deliveries, reduces fuel consumption, and puts drivers less at risk for accidents.

Now, let’s think about fuel efficiency from a vehicle performance perspective. If your ELD data shows sudden drops in fuel efficiency, it could indicate a fuel leak or faulty engine. Fleet managers can use these insights to schedule a maintenance check. This check can save repair costs, reduce downtime, and enhance safety.

Use ELD Data to Your Advantage

Electronic logging devices are required from a compliance standpoint. Yet the value of ELD data extends far beyond that. Fleet managers can access fleet data insights to improve operational efficiency and safety.

Azuga eLogs is our solution for tracking HOS data. With it, fleet operators have all the ELD data they need to support better fleet operations. Learn more about our easy-to-use fleet management solution.

Questions People Also Ask

What insights can ELD data provide?

ELD data can provide insights into compliance violations, unsafe driving behaviors, underutilized vehicles, inefficient routes, and vehicle performance issues.

What is the importance of fleet data insights?

Fleet data insights are critical to the safety and efficiency of fleet operations. While encouraging safer driving practices, fleet managers can make better decisions about driver routes, maintenance planning, and resource utilization.

How can ELDs assist in fleet management?

ELDs in fleet management provide a streamlined way to record and track driving hours. They simplify compliance and reporting as it relates to HOS regulations. They also deliver actionable insights to create safer, more efficient fleet operations.