GPS Tracking

Driver Tracking with Routing and Dispatch Software

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Fleet managers can send text messages and make phone calls to their fleet to help drivers choose a better route, get information, or triage issues that may arise. But unlike the options we are about to discuss, these are inefficient methods for monitoring drivers' progress.

The best option for driver tracking stems from technology, but between tracking devices and routing and dispatch software on a cell phone, how can you make these more effective?

Driver Tracking with GPS Routing Software

GPS software is easy and straightforward to integrate into your fleet. All you have to do is download and install the application onto your device, and have your courier drivers do the same. Some software also includes an OBDII device or other device that should be installed directly in your commercial motor vehicles.

The number one reason commercial fleets are employing GPS tracking software is to satisfy the ELD Mandate. This federal law requires that drivers keep an electronic HOS logbook, using a device that is approved by the FMCSA.

Most fleet businesses also turn to GPS software because it’s more affordable than alternative options or even outsourcing. In most cases, there is a monthly or yearly premium to keep the service active.

Real-time tracking is another benefit of using GPS software. The software provides you with a map that helps with visuals of where your drivers are at any time. You can track their delivery routes without having to call them to check-in.

You might need to call drivers at times, but not to offer them better routes or to know if they are still en route. A routing and dispatch software such as Azuga provides accurate locations of all your drivers. Not only would you know where they are, but also how much time it will take them to arrive at their destination.

Driver Tracking with GPS Dispatch Software

Unlike mobile apps, GPS tracking devices aren't limited by cellular coverage. Good GPS trackers rely on satellite communication to handle tracking. This is invaluable when you deliver in areas with little or no mobile coverage.

GPS fleet trackers also help prevent vehicle theft. GPS trackers could help you recover stolen or missing vehicles. Alternatively, ensuring drivers use a key fob with GPS tracking installed in it enables you to determine who is driving your vehicle at any particular time.

GPS vehicle tracking is also useful for companies that want to get information and monitor their employees' driving habits. Safety is key, so you might want to watch rapid acceleration, braking, speeding, and so forth. Some GPS trackers even come with a geofencing, so the fleet manager gets real-time alerts whenever the vehicle leaves a specified location.

Azuga – Your Driver Tracking Solution

If you’re in the fleet business, it comes with a myriad of field questions from clients on the status of drivers in the field.

The communication gap between company owners or dispatchers and their drivers can make updates a challenging task. Drivers are busy on the road, so updating the progress of their chosen routes isn't always at the top of their minds. If you contact them to check-in, you'll end up slowing them down.

To fix this gap you’ll need quality driver tracking software. Azuga tracking software provides the help you need to track your vehicles on the road. Our app provides real-time tracking with live route progress of all your drivers. Plus, we offer top-notch route optimization so drivers can finish their routes faster.

When it comes to knowing the drivers' location, Azuga provides the better option of keeping tabs without having to disturb their driving.