Fleet Safety

Driver Management: 5 Benefits of a Driver Management System

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You probably already have fleet solutions in place to manage fuel, compliance, and maintenance. But what about your drivers? A driver management system can be of great benefit to any commercial fleet, large or small. And there are several benefits you’ll reap by putting one into use. Below are 5 benefits you will realize by implementing the best driver management system.

What Is Driver Management Software?

Just like any other part of your business, good management will help drivers perform at their highest levels. And since drivers can affect every other aspect of your fleet, managing them well is crucial to a successful fleet.

A good driver management system should include several vital features. It should help with training, telematics, compliance, and other aspects of your fleet’s day-to-day operations. Most systems incorporate GPS and fleet telematics in order to give you real-time updates on your drivers. Why is this helpful for your fleet? Read on to find out.

Improved Fleet Safety

Safety is a top priority for any good fleet manager. You’re not just protecting your workers and equipment. You’re also protecting other drivers on the road. But you can’t be sitting in the cab of each truck every time it hits the road. So how can you effectively know what’s going on in their fleet?

Understanding your drivers’ on-road habits is a good first step toward improving fleet safety. A good driver management system can show you when drivers are exhibiting risky behaviors like hard braking or speeding. But it should also help you award good driving habits to motivate drivers to improve. In fact, 86% of our users say that Azuga has helped them improve the safety of their fleet. And 71% have reported reduced accidents since incorporating our system.

When your GPS tracking system is also tied in with a safety dashcam system, you’ll gain even more insight. An ideal dashcam should show you views both inside the cab and out. This allows you to see how drivers react when something unexpected occurs. And it can also protect them in the event of a crash by providing evidence of fault. You may even see a drop in insurance premiums!

Better Fleet Efficiency and Driver Accountability

Ever wonder if your drivers are goofing off on company time? Maybe they’re taking the scenic route to get to their destination. Or perhaps you just want to improve efficiency by routing them around construction and traffic in real-time. A good GPS driver management system can help you with all of these concerns and more. We’ve found that 79% of Azuga users say they’ve reduced door-to-door transit time with our help.

But your system should help with efficiency and productivity off the road too. Imagine automating all of those tiresome compliance tasks your drivers do every day. And picture how much time you’ll free up in the office by having reports generated for you in minutes. Not only that, many driver management systems have a built-in predictive maintenance program. This means drivers will have less downtime due to breakdowns and repairs.

Respond in Real-Time

It’s hard to manage in hindsight. That is, when you’re always addressing concerns long after they’ve happened, you’ve missed your best opportunities. Effective management happens in real-time. But you can’t be everywhere your drivers are, right?

While it’s certainly true that you can’t be on-site for every incident, you can respond to each of them in real-time. A good driver management system will alert you of trouble as soon as it happens. You’ll know when a driver has mechanical trouble, is in an accident, or otherwise encounters problems on the road. And you’ll be able to respond accordingly. But not only that, a good system will automatically coach your drivers, with in-cab alerts whenever risky behavior occurs.

Driver Retention

It’s no secret that good drivers are hard to find. And in today’s increasingly competitive job market, hanging onto talent is more important than ever. You can offer plenty of incentives to keep employees around. But did you know that a good driver management system can help you retain drivers too?

Azuga offers safe driver rewards to motivate positive change in your fleet. The program will give each driver their own safety score, in effect turning safety into a competitive sport. And winners get real benefits in the form of gift cards. In fact, many fleets have found that safe driver rewards programs are one of the most effective ways to retain talent. And 85% of employees feel motivated to perform better with performance-based incentives.

Driver Telematics Data is King

We call past eras the bronze age, copper age, or industrial age, according to their most valuable advancement. Today is the age of data. If you’re not taking advantage of data and analytics to improve your fleet’s daily operations, you’re going to fall behind. But where to start?

Fortunately, a good driver management program can offer you plenty of valuable data on the fly. Telematics is the combination of telecommunications, vehicle technology, and computer science. And the proper use of data generated by telematics can revolutionize the way your fleet operates.

Reports generated by your driver management telematics can help you improve fuel efficiency. They can give you great insights into maintenance issues. You’ll learn which drivers are most efficient and which could use more training or coaching. And you can also get plenty of other types of reports that are specific to your fleet and industry.

Azuga is Driver Management Made Easy

If this all sounds a bit too complex or expensive, you might be surprised. Our driver management services offer easy plug-and-play installation. And we have plenty of support options to get you started and keep you running smoothly. And the return on investment is substantial. Give our ROI Calculator a try and see how much your fleet can save. Then talk to one of our experts about how Azuga can help you better manage your drivers and improve your fleet’s operations.