ELD Compliance Deadline Preparation: Checklist #2: Drivers

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With the upcoming deadline for FMCSA HOS/DVIR reporting, Azuga has created a series of checklists to help you ensure a smooth transition from paper logs to e-logs. Our last blog post reviewed steps related to your vehicle. This week’s blog post focuses on getting drivers ready.

ELD Prep Checklist 2: DRIVERS

  • Schedule training sessions for drivers
  • Ensure drivers know to share RODS in case of a roadside inspection
  • Make sure drivers can locate the ELD information packet in the vehicle cabin
  • Make sure drivers know whom to contact if questions or problems with the ELD solution arise while on the road

It’s a very useful step to hold an orientation session for all your drivers to let them know in detail how their concerns are adequately addressed in the ELD mandate. There are a number of things for a driver to look forward to. Some of them are:

  • Better compliance with legal limits improves safety record of the fleet. Drivers are better rested and safer.
  • With paper logs, there’s a danger of tampering, whereas a digital record protects the driver against harassment.
  • Scorecards provide an objective basis for rewarding great driver performance.
  • Precise time-keeping helps to make more driving minutes available than paper logbook entries.
  • Roadside checks to verify HOS get a lot easier.
  • Driver doesn’t get numerous phone calls about delivery time or available HOS.

Drivers’ rights and privileges are protected, and the mandate has made specific provisions so that drivers cannot be harassed by inspectors or their fleet manager. There are limits placed on the extent of permissible tracking, and drivers will have access to their own records.

For example, the ELD device can be muted during sleep hours. Also, the location accuracy is extended to a 10-mile radius during personal time, with only hourly updates. While on duty, the accuracy is up to a mile radius.

Fleets can reward their drivers with perks and cash incentives in recognition of their improved contribution to fuel saving, punctuality, and safety.