GPS Fleet Tracking

4 Tips to Improve Your Fleet Reporting

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When it comes to fleet tracking and fleet management, data is one of the most impactful tools at your disposal. With fleet tracking software, you gain access to lots of data you’ve never been able to see before. But what can you do with all of this information? How can you turn this data into meaningful information? That’s where fleet reporting comes in. Let’s explain more. 

What is a Fleet Report?

Fleet reports take the information gathered by fleet management software and summarize it in digestible charts and graphs. This helps you understand patterns in your data and zero in on any standout points. You can use these reports to target fleet management goals, such as improving safety, saving on maintenance, and boosting efficiency. 

4 Fleet Reporting Tips

No. 1: Digitize

We’re in the 21st century! If your fleet still needs to digitize your documents, it’s high time. Fleet managers have their hands in so many different parts of fleet management. You’re dealing with driver schedules, maintenance, regulations compliance, safety, costs… the list goes on and on. It’s impossible to manage everything accurately without digitizing your records. 

When you have fleet management software, digitizing is easy. Once you’ve entered everything into your fleet management software, the reports generate themselves!

No. 2: Go Mobile

You need a fleet management app for two reasons. 

First, your drivers need to be in on the game. They’ll need to perform pre- and post-trip inspections of your vehicles to help you maintain compliance and keep track of your vehicles’ maintenance. You won’t want them tracking these inspections on paper for you to input later. With an app, they can enter their findings and sync them up automatically to your system. 

Secondly, you want to be able to view your vehicle data and reports on the go. Fleet management is not a job where you're always at your desk. You have so much to do; ensure you can do it wherever you are. 

No. 3: Cloud Storage

When something is saved to the cloud, it is stored on an internet server instead of your devices. That means you can access it from anywhere. If you save something to the cloud from your computer, you can access it from your phone. Does this sound convenient? It is! Anyone (with your permission) can access necessary data from the fleet management app without bothering you. Additionally, your data is backed up if something happens to your computer or phone. Ensure your app has cloud capabilities and you connect to the cloud whenever you log in. 

No. 4: Standardize Reporting

If you’re keeping paper documents, you know it can be frustrating when some documents have some information, and others of the same type might be missing it. You might have several different forms that serve the same purpose. With a digitized system, everything looks the same, and you’ll always have all the information you need to generate a report. This makes it easier to get the most out of the data you collect. Make sure any system you select is, in fact, standardized and easy to organize.

Generate Any Custom Report with Azuga

Azuga’s state-of-the-art system tracks your vehicles and assets to provide real-time and accurate data on their whereabouts and status. Our fleet management system helps you organize your data to optimize each tip mentioned in this article and accomplish much more. To find out more about how Azuga can help you achieve your fleet goals, speak with one of our experts today!