Fleet Management

3 Tips to Help You Grow Your Freight Trucking Business

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The freight transport industry generates an immense amount of revenue. However, this money isn’t evenly distributed among all private carriers in the industry. To succeed in the freight trucking field, growing your business is essential. Such growth requires adopting the latest technology and developing innovative approaches to fleet management. Let’s discuss three tips to help your fleet business grow. 

No. 1: Motivate Your Drivers

We are in the midst of a global trucking shortage. This shortage means it might be challenging to find new drivers and keep those that you have. Keeping your drivers motivated is essential to ensure they stay part of your team. Awards, bonuses, and public acknowledgments for exceptional performance are a great way to show appreciation for a driver’s hard work.

One major factor contributing to this global shortage is driver wages. Drivers often spend extensive hours on the road. This span includes significant wait times for cargo handling, which they're not compensated for. To retain drivers, companies should consider covering medical and fuel expenses and compensating for wait times. These benefits help maintain a positive and engaging work environment for your drivers.

No. 2: Overcome Shortages

Shortages have been a theme lately, particularly in the logistics industry. One shortage that mainly affects freight trucking is the container shortage. Most freight fleets do not own their containers. Instead, they hire them temporarily or buy them only as needed. The pandemic has put a strain on the supply chain, and as a result, it’s now difficult for businesses to obtain containers for their loads. 

If you’re in the position to do so, you should purchase extra containers and store them for emergency use. You should make reserving containers in advance a part of your usual routine. This practice ensures that you’ll always have the containers you need without relying on anyone else. 

No. 3: Invest in Your Drivers

Speaking of shortages, another place where fleets are struggling to obtain what they need is in hiring. Few people are looking for trucking jobs these days. As a result, drivers expect higher pay and better benefits from the places they choose to work. Investing in these factors is a worthy effort, as it will bring the best drivers to your business. If you hire a driver who will take the lowest pay, they may not necessarily be the most efficient or the safest. Consider focusing your efforts on hiring the best drivers– this will help boost your productivity and ensure you are operating a safe fleet. 

Azuga Can Help You Grow

Of course, you need excellent technology to grow your trucking business. Azuga’s state-of-the-art fleet management software can help you easily achieve your business goals. Our solutions cover everything from maintenance to safety to finances and more. Learn how we can work together by scheduling a demo with one of our experts!